This case study reflects the results of a large-scale, soil amendment demonstration trial conducted by Center West Export in the Gingin area, about 150 km north of Perth, Western Australia.

The trial was conducted in carrot crops grown in a sandy soil typical for the region. A stabilised, nutrient-enriched, coal-based and pelletised soil amendment (known as Novihum) was incorporated once into the soil prior to planting. It was assessed for its potential to improve soil health and marketable yield, especially of Grade 1 carrots, over a 12-month period.
Take a look at our case study to find out how the soil amendment impacted organic matter levels, soilborne disease suppression and yield.
You can also read about the results from a trial conducted in the United States, which examined the effects of humic substances in boosting vegetable crop and yield, as well as crop resilience. Read the article from Growing Produce here.