Protecting crops and maintaining healthy soil is vital for Australian growers to improve productivity, profitability and sustainability.

Since 2014, the Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection (Soil Wealth ICP) project has provided research and development (R&D) extension services, products and communication on improved soil management and plant health to the Australian vegetable and melon industry. The Australian melon industry joined the project in 2023.

The project responds to increasing economic, consumer, environmental and technological demands on vegetable and melon producers. It delivers integrated, independent, research-based information to growers and advisers to support business decisions on soil management and plant health.

Project achievements

Between 2015-2022, the project has:

  • Engaged 2,987 growers and industry stakeholders
  • Covered 62,727 hectares of vegetable growing area across Australia.

During this time it also supported:

  • 83% of vegetable growers and 43% of advisors who worked with the project to improve their knowledge of soil management and crop protection
  • 75% of vegetable growers who worked with the project to change or plan to change farm practice to improve farm profitability and sustainability
  • 29% of agronomists and advisors who worked with the project to focus on soil management and crop protection with their clients to support improved farm productivity.

The Soil Wealth ICP project will focus on four key themes affecting vegetable and melon growers, including soil health; crop health; optimising inputs; and carbon and climate. The project will also focus on reducing plastic use and building soil organic matter in the melon industry.

This website brings together a range of resources to build capacity within the vegetable and industries to achieve better soil management and crop protection and improved long-term crop returns.

The Soil Wealth ICP project is delivered by Applied Horticultural Research and RM Consulting Group (RMCG) and is funded by Hort Innovation using the vegetable and melon research and development levies and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit R&D corporation for Australian horticulture.

Project Number: MT22004

Meet the team

AHR and RMCG have delivered the Soil Wealth ICP project since 2014.

Join the Partnership Network

Our network connects growers to industry services that boost their productivity and profitability.


RMCG is a multi-disciplinary consultancy specialising in agriculture, environment and communities.


AHR specialises in soil health, irrigation, crop nutrition, pest and disease management and postharvest handling in Australian horticulture.