Calcium cyanamide fertiliser in carrots: Economics
Calcium cyanamide Fertiliser, also known as nitrolime, has been used in Germany as a slow release nitrogen and calcium ...
Calcium cyanamide Fertiliser, also known as nitrolime, has been used in Germany as a slow release nitrogen and calcium ...
Demonstration site report prepared for VG15010 A Multi-faceted approach to soilborne disease management by Francis Tedesco, Center West Exports, ...
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Two Pythium species are mostly responsible for forking and cavity spot of carrots in Australia. In most cases, P. ...
Read this great summary of carrot disorders to better understand what may be affecting your carrot packout. This includes ...
Telone® (1,3 dichloropropene) and Telone C35® (1,3 dichloropropene+chloropicrin) have been effective in controlling nematodes in field trials in Western Australia and should ...
This guide enables field identification of the insects, diseases and disorders of Sweetpotato by providing: photos written description damage ...
Powdery mildew has been found on a carrot crops in three states of Australia. The first finding of the ...
Four page fact sheet on managing diseases of carrots. Download file