Soil borne disease management in vegetable crops with Dr Len Tesoriero
Soil borne diseases are a serious concern for the vegetable industry, but can be managed, according to NSW Department ...
Soil borne diseases are a serious concern for the vegetable industry, but can be managed, according to NSW Department ...
Read this great summary of some common tools for managing soil health in cropping/mixed enterprises in Tasmania. Generally, the ...
Vegetable growers and their advisers have identified soil borne diseases as one of their main challenges for soil management ...
The purpose of this guide is to help growers and agronomists interpret conventional ‘chemical’ soil tests and identify soil ...
Modern crop protection chemistry such as herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, is crucial to farming in Australia and around the ...
The psyllid is a tiny sap-sucking insect. Tomato potato psyllids go through three stages of development – adult, egg ...
Read this great summary of carrot disorders to better understand what may be affecting your carrot packout. This includes ...
An on farm trial tests the yield or economic effect of a management treatment on an agricultural system. This ...
This summary provides Australian vegetable growers with an understanding of available and emerging irrigation practices and technologies that could ...
In September 2015, Soil Wealth facilitated a field day at David’s property where he spoke about the benefits he ...
Mulyan Farms owner Ed Fagan oversees the harvest with the purpose-built spinach harvester of the high-yielding spinach crop grown ...