The Soil Wealth ICP project develops informative and timely resources in a range of formats.
These resources target specific vegetable and melon issues and allow growers to apply knowledge to solve problems within their business.
Resources have been developed by the Soil Wealth ICP project team and a range of R&D service providers. We acknowledge the valuable work done by these teams in developing the resources and will share new information as they become available.
Use the search function below to filter resources by area, crop, topic or type.
You can also search across these options by adding multiple key words into the search box (e.g. NSW brassica cover crops).
Broccoli/cauliflower nutrition guide
The Soil Wealth ICP team is developing a series of crop nutrition guides to help growers, advisors and other vegetable industry service providers to manage crop-specific nutrition. This guide focuses on broccoli/cauliflower crops and...
Internal Fruit Rot of Capsicum
Internal fruit rot is a significant disease affecting capsicum production, often remaining undetected until it reaches consumers, leading to complaints and reduced confidence in the product. The VG17012 Internal Fruit Rot of Capsicums project investigated...
Understanding the common factors driving yield in Tasmanian pea production
Tasmania grows approximately 99% of Australia’s processing peas for Simplot Australia. Peas are grown in a range of soils and climatic regions throughout the state. They are a beneficial rotational vegetable crop for many Tasmanian...
Fusarium Wilt of Melons
Wilting is the generalised loss of turgidity and drooping of leaves or shoots. Wilting can appear due to many different reasons, sometimes abiotic, such as insufficient water, and sometimes biotic, being the symptom of...
Optimising Nitrogen Use: Sustainable Vegetable Systems Tool from Aotearoa NZ
We recently hosted a webinar on the Sustainable Vegetable Systems (SVS) project, exploring how this online tool supports grower decision making in Aotearoa-New Zealand. The SVS Tool provides information growers need to determine the optimal...
Organic nitrogen: Rules of thumb
This rules of thumb poster has been developed to provide a general understanding of nitrogen (N) in soil and in the different organic inputs such as legume cover crops, compost, and manure. All numbers...
Growing more with less: Input use efficiency podcast
Monitoring and managing key inputs such as irrigation and nutrients can lead to improved productivity and reduced input costs on farm, ultimately improving a grower's bottom line. Tune in to this podcast where Soil...
Tarwin, Vic case study: The importance of maintaining soil carbon
A trial is underway to maintain soil carbon at a vegetable farm in South Gippsland, Victoria by using minimum till, cover cropping and compost. Soil carbon is important for soil health and nutrient holding...
Biological Products Database
About this database and how to use it - This Biological Product Database is a tool for growers that will assist with navigating the array of ‘biological’ products currently available to their farming business....
Regenerative Agriculture – Foundations and First Steps
In this introductory webinar on regenerative agriculture, Clinton Muller, RMCG explored what regenerative agriculture means, how it contrasts with sustainability, the principles and practices and provides a practical overview on implementing practices on your farm....
Optimising nitrogen supply to sweet corn using legume cover crops – a case study from the Mulgowie demonstration site in Qld
The Mulgowie Farming Company, a family-owned producer of sweet corn and green beans, is known for its commitment to sustainable farming practices. Based in Mulgowie, Lockyer Valley, Queensland, the company teamed up with Soil Wealth...
Adopting IPM – Principles & Practices
Discover the essentials of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with Andy Ryland (Integrated Pest Management Consulting) in this adopting IPM webinar. Learn how adopting these principles and practices can improve your approach to pest control in...
Fusarium wilt of melons – webinar
Fusarium is one of the most damaging pathogens in melons. This webinar will delve into various aspects of the disease, from its life cycle, to how it spreads, its pathogenicity, and management options.
Flood preparedness miniseries
How do you prepare your soil so it can maintain its structure during high rainfall events? In this series of videos, Dr Kelvin Montagu discusses management practices that can be implemented to help the soil...
Looking Beyond Plastic Mulch Film
Replacing Plastic Mulch Film (PMF) poses a significant challenge due to its low cost and immediate benefits. However, as input and production costs rise, concerns about climate change escalate, and policies regarding plastic use...
Nutrient use efficiency in vegetable, potato and onion crops
Soil Wealth ICP team member Dr Doris Blaesing (RMCG) presented at an input use efficiency workshop in Tasmania which aimed to help vegetable, potato and onion growers and agronomists get the most out...
Biofumigation fact sheet
Adding biofumigants to a vegetable or melon crop rotation can improve overall soil health and reduce input costs. The benefits of biofumigant crops, observed by vegetable growers, include: Improvements in soil structure Reduction in...
Building resilience to climate extremes Overview: Getting ready for changing conditions
This five-part series from the Soil Wealth ICP project presents a risk-based approach to assessing resilience to climate extremes and impacts for vegetable and melon businesses. The series has been produced to help Australian...
Building resilience to climate extremes Part 1: Financial resilience
This five-part series from the Soil Wealth ICP project presents a risk-based approach to assessing resilience to climate extremes and impacts for vegetable and melon businesses. The series has been produced to help Australian...
Building resilience to climate extremes Part 2: Farm management risks and resilience
This five-part series from the Soil Wealth ICP project presents a risk-based approach to assessing resilience to climate extremes and impacts for vegetable and melon businesses. The series has been produced to help Australian...