The Soil Wealth ICP project develops informative and timely resources in a range of formats.
These resources target specific vegetable and melon issues and allow growers to apply knowledge to solve problems within their business.
Resources have been developed by the Soil Wealth ICP project team and a range of R&D service providers. We acknowledge the valuable work done by these teams in developing the resources and will share new information as they become available.
Use the search function below to filter resources by area, crop, topic or type.
You can also search across these options by adding multiple key words into the search box (e.g. NSW brassica cover crops).
AWM webinar mini-series #2: In control – managing capsicum viruses for profitable vegetable production
This webinar mini-series focused on area wide management (AWM) strategies to control viruses in capsicums including tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) and insect transmission...
Persistence and attention to detail pay off in IPM approach at Braham Produce
Since 2011, Soil Wealth ICP demonstration site growers Andrew and Zurri Braham have used an integrated pest management (IPM) approach to control Western Flower Thrips and other key pests in their glasshouse capsicum crops...
Soil Wealth ICP grower panel discussion – 2022 Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar
The Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar, held ahead of Hort Connections 2022 in Brisbane, attracted a room full of growers on Monday 6 June. Presentations included a grower panel from the Soil Wealth ICP...
Area wide management of vegetable diseases resources
A series of resources are now available on area wide management (AWM) of vegetable diseases from Project VG16086 Area wide management of vegetable diseases: viruses and bacteria, delivered by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries...
AWM webinar mini-series #1: In control – managing cucurbit viruses for profitable vegetable production
This webinar mini-series focused on area wide management (AWM) strategies to control viruses in cucurbits including cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) and zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) with researcher Craig Webster from...
At the cutting edge – Area-wide management of insect-vectored viral and bacterial diseases
Watch this webinar recording to hear from industry-leading researchers about the key findings and area wide management (AWM) strategies of insect-vectored viral and bacterial diseases of vegetable crops in Australia. AWM strategies for vector-borne...
The Onion Project: Onion disease webinar
Watch the Onion Project webinar recording for an update on current research on key onion diseases including Fusarium basal rot and onion white rot. Presenters: Michael Rettke, SARDI: Reducing the impact of Fusarium...
Integrated weed management manual
The University of New England has published the Australian vegetable industry’s first comprehensive integrated weed management (IWM) manual. It provides information on the impacts of weeds, the principles of IWM, and the various methods...
Nitrogen fertiliser price and supply: management options in difficult conditions
The commercial nitrogen fertiliser market has been very volatile the past seven months. Supply issues from China, Russia, as well as Europe, have caused shipping issues and shortages for all of Australia. Australia...
Improving phosphorus uptake efficiency of potatoes
Potatoes are considered to have a low phosphorus (P) uptake efficiency compared to most other crops. As potatoes require phosphorus throughout the growing season, phosphorus fertiliser inputs are commonly high. This case study examines...
Cover crops for Australian vegetable growers
This double-sided A3 poster provides the starting point for growers choosing a cover crop for their farm by adapting the information on the table to suit their farm operations, climate and cover crop objective....
Cover Crop Herbicide Guide
Establishing a cover crop can be a great time to get on top of a problem weed without herbicides. See the Cover Crops for Australian Vegetable Growers poster for suggestions for cover crops to...
Cover Crop Termination Guide
Make sure your cover crop is terminated before seed set to prevent it becoming a weed. Watch out for cover crops like buckwheat which can set seed very early, or mixes where different species...
The Carbon Series: Developing carbon neutral sweet corn
The Soil Wealth ICP team developed this podcast as part of The Carbon Series: An introduction to carbon farming and soil carbon management in the Australian vegetable industry. Hear more about Mulgowie Farming Company's...
The Carbon Series Part 4: Carbon accounting and the Emissions Reduction Fund
This four-part Carbon Series from the Soil Wealth ICP project breaks down the practicalities of carbon farming for vegetable growers and looks more closely at soil carbon management. The Carbon Series has been produced...
The Carbon Series Part 3: Carbon emissions in vegetable production
This four-part Carbon Series from the Soil Wealth ICP project breaks down the practicalities of carbon farming for vegetable growers and looks more closely at soil carbon management. The Carbon Series has been produced...
The Carbon Series Part 2: Soil carbon and carbon sequestration
This four-part Carbon Series from the Soil Wealth ICP project breaks down the practicalities of carbon farming for vegetable growers and looks more closely at soil carbon management. The Carbon Series has been produced...
Saving time and money with strip-till in WA
In this podcast vegetable grower Jake Ryan, from Three Ryans in Western Australia, speaks about the journey to transition the farm's fallow and conventional cultivation to strip-till. Jake was impressed with the substantial time...
Informing irrigation decisions with remote weather stations at Koo Wee Rup
While checking on the precision agriculture trial at our Koo Wee Rup demonstration site, team member Carl Larsen recorded a short video to share how a remote weather station and attached soil moisture...
The benefits of cover crops and reduced tillage: Koo Wee Rup
In this short video update, Soil Wealth ICP team member Carl Larsen explains how practical approaches such as cover crops and reduced tillage is complementing precision agriculture trials at our demonstration site in...