Our Skye demonstration site at Butler Market Gardens in Victoria will give more “oomph” to sandy loam soils south-east of Melbourne through smart nutrient management.

Parsley was recently planted as the first cash crop before rotating with a warm season legume cover crop mix and buckwheat to help with nitrogen cycling and weed management in the depleted sandy loam soils. The demonstration will assess nutrient inputs comparing nitrogen (N) residue levels in the cover crop trial area to the units of N applied in the grower standard practice, or control area.

Soil Wealth ICP has also partnered with New Zealand Sustainable Vegetable Systems (SVS), as part of our new focus on international linkages. They are currently developing a N calculator tool which will be tested to assist Butler Market Gardens agronomists better manage nutrient inputs whilst maintaining productive soils.

The cover crop will be planted in November. Stay tuned for more updates over the coming months!

Read more about our Skye demonstration site.

Pictured above (L-R): Soil Wealth ICP team member Jed Clark with Butler Market Gardens agronomist Dale Creed on site in September 2023.