About this database and how to use it – This Biological Product Database is a tool for growers that will assist with navigating the array of ‘biological’ products currently available to their farming business. We have compiled the information in response to questions from growers about available products. The database is available in three different formats for ease of use:

  1. Biological products sorted by trade name
  2. Biological products sorted by source and trade name
  3. Biological products sorted by APVMA registration, product type and trade name.

Definition – ‘Biological’ products (also called ‘biologicals’) are defined as those that are derived from living organisms (plants, animals, microorganisms, fungi). The term encompasses a diverse range of products, and this is a fast-growing segment of agricultural inputs. (definition from www.croplife.org)

This database includes a column that indicates whether products have APVMA registration (Australian Pesticdes and Veterinary Medicines Authority). Registered products are known as ‘Biological Crop Protection’ products. If a product is used for crop protection (i.e. used as a biopesticide) is must be registered for use in the crop and situation it is applied in. Contact the APVMA or Hort Innovation for more information.

Explanation – ‘Source’ and ‘Product type’ – These explanations have been developed to provide clarity and aid with interpretation of the Biological Products Database. Some products do not fit neatly within these categories; where this is the case, the aim has been to provide the best fit for the product details available.

How was the database developed? We have gathered information primarily from the manufacturers, via their websites and/or their representatives. We have attempted to strip away any confusion by laying out the bare bones of each product. We will include references to independent research in the database as the project progresses and we receive information from independent research.

The database is a work in progress – The database is a work in progress and is not comprehensive. We have not carried out thorough literature reviews. If a column or cell is blank, is does not meant that there is no information, just that we have not found it yet (this is particularly the case for trial information). The database will be updated and published regularly as information becomes available.

Is anything missing? To request products to be added to the database, please download this Excel spreadsheet and, using the first two green rows as examples, fill in as appropriate for your product(s). Please return the completed spreadsheet to [email protected] for inclusion in the next version.

Latest update: October 2024