The Soil Wealth ICP project develops informative and timely resources in a range of formats.
These resources target specific vegetable and melon issues and allow growers to apply knowledge to solve problems within their business.
Resources have been developed by the Soil Wealth ICP project team and a range of R&D service providers. We acknowledge the valuable work done by these teams in developing the resources and will share new information as they become available.
Use the search function below to filter resources by area, crop, topic or type.
You can also search across these options by adding multiple key words into the search box (e.g. NSW brassica cover crops).
Biosecurity lessons in planning and response for the vegetable industry
Plant biosecurity is a series of measures that aid in protecting production areas from harmful insects, weeds, and various plant diseases. On-farm biosecurity best practices play a pivotal role in maintaining Australia’s reputation...
Fusarium wilt management in vegetables with Dr Len Tesoriero
Watch this webinar recording to learn about the latest techniques in managing the soilborne disease Fusarium wilt in vegetable crops including solanaceous, legumes, cucurbits and sweet potatoes and to understand the latest ways...
Reduced tillage webinar recordings from Cornell Small Farms Program, US
Join the Cornell SFP as they team up with Michigan State University and the University of Maine to offer three webinars and share the latest research on reduced tillage for organic vegetable production. Learn...
Soil Health; Biological, Chemical, Physical
Learn more about soil biological, chemical and physical fertility, as well as access the Soils are Alive tool - the complete soil health reference for farmers, consultants and researchers. Visit website ...
Soil Wealth ICP features on InfoVeg TV
Soil Wealth ICP team members Gordon Rogers (AHR) and Carl Larsen (RMCG) sat down with InfoVeg TV to chat about the project and its aim to communicate information about soil management and plant...
Three Vital Practice Changes at Rob Hinrichsen’s Kalfresh: A Case Study
Six years ago, Rob Hinrichsen and his team at Kalfresh decided to focus on four key practices – controlled traffic, cover crops, soil biology and compost – to improve the soil health across their...
Koo Wee Rup Demonstration Site: Practice Change Case Study
The Schreurs family have been farming on the Koo Wee Rup swamps in Gippsland, Victoria since 1963. After noticing a decline in soil condition, resulting in waterlogging and an increase in weed and disease...
Mt Barker Demonstration Site: Practice Change Case Study
Growers, Scott and Kent Samwell, have always been using cover crops to rest the soil between brassica plantings and prevent erosion on the hilly land. They mainly planted rye grass and oats, and have...
Reducing tillage in vegetable crops: Is it worthwhile?
Reduced tillage can produce similar or better yields than more aggressive conventional tillage. It opens the door to improving soil health. This case study outlines the pros and cons of reducing the intensity of...
Phosphorus and soil biology – common questions answered
This presentation provides a great overview of the role of phosphorus in soil biology by Dr Cassandra Schefe, from Monash University and Schefe Consulting. Download the slides to find out more about why P...
Investigating cavity spot and forking in carrots
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Pesticides and insect pest control in vegetables with Dr Siobhan de Little
Chemicals have different modes of action that can affect both insect pests and beneficial species differently. It's important to understand the risk profile of these modes of action, and how this influences resistance...
Nematodes in vegetable soils – managing the bad and good ones with Dr Sarah Collins
This webinar with Nematode specialist Dr Sarah Collins from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA focused on the pest nematode, outlining the life cycles of the root-knot and root-lesion nematodes and...
Making the most of your Nitrogen
Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient for plant growth, development and reproduction, so it’s important to ensure your crops have enough! However, you also want to make sure that too much nitrogen is not...
Calcium Cyanamide Fertiliser; Use in vegetables
Calcium Cyanamide Fertiliser, also known as nitrolime, has been used in Germany as a slow release nitrogen and calcium fertiliser with liming e ect for over 100 years. It was introduced into Australia by...
Green peach aphid resistance management with Dr Siobhan de Little
Green peach aphids (GPA) are an important pest of vegetables, causing damage by feeding and transmitting viruses. High levels of resistance to carbamates, pyrethroids and organophosphates are found across Australia. Low levels of...
Soil Wealth and Crop Health: Vital Components to Potato and Vegetable Crops
Members of the Soil Wealth and ICP team were recently interviewed for the Potatoes Australia magazine. The key message? Many of the soil health and plant protection practices relevant to vegetables, also apply to...
SOILpak for vegetable growers in NSW
The Vegetable SOILpak manual was developed by NSW Department of Primary Industries to provide soil information relevant to irrigated vegetable production in New South Wales. The manual aims to provide decision support for landholders...
Precision agriculture technology in vegetable production systems
Precision agriculture (or PA) uses a combination of new technology and existing agronomic knowledge to maximise farm efficiency. There are many PA tools available to growers, but all require initial information to be...
Controlled traffic in vegetable production: a grower’s perspective
Hear from Rob Hinrichsen of Kalfresh in QLD about using controlled traffic in commercial vegetable production systems. This video captures Rob's experiences with the technology achieving 'growing zones' and 'driving zones', the benefits...