The Soil Wealth ICP project develops informative and timely resources in a range of formats.
These resources target specific vegetable and melon issues and allow growers to apply knowledge to solve problems within their business.
Resources have been developed by the Soil Wealth ICP project team and a range of R&D service providers. We acknowledge the valuable work done by these teams in developing the resources and will share new information as they become available.
Use the search function below to filter resources by area, crop, topic or type.
You can also search across these options by adding multiple key words into the search box (e.g. NSW brassica cover crops).
Cover crops in vegetable production: a grower’s perspective
Hear from Rob Hinrichsen of Kalfresh in QLD about using cover crops, or 'green carbon', in commercial vegetable production systems. This video captures Rob's experiences in using different types of cover crops such...
Soil borne disease management in vegetable crops with Dr Len Tesoriero
Soil borne diseases are a serious concern for the vegetable industry, but can be managed, according to NSW Department of Primary Industries Senior Plant Pathologist, Dr Len Tesoriero. Dr Tesoriero has given a number...
Soil health toolbox
Read this great summary of some common tools for managing soil health in cropping/mixed enterprises in Tasmania. Generally, the more tools you can use, the better! Why? Because it gives crops the best possible...
Compost use in vegetable production: a grower’s perspective
Hear from Rob Hinrichsen of Kalfresh in QLD about using compost in commercial vegetable production systems. This video captures Rob's experiences in soil biology, short and long-term compost, the financial implications of using...
A multi-faceted approach to soil borne disease management
Vegetable growers and their advisers have identified soil borne diseases as one of their main challenges for soil management and crop protection. Soil borne diseases cost Australia’s $4 billion vegetable industry an estimated $120...
What is a cover crop worth? Cover crops in Australian vegetable systems
This case study outlines the economic considerations when using cover crops in vegetable production systems. It is based on lessons learned from several Soil Wealth – ICP demonstration sites, during the period 2014 to...
What is compost worth? Using compost in Australian vegetable systems
This case study outlines the economic considerations when using compost in vegetable production systems. It is based on lessons learned from several Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection (ICP) demonstration sites, during the period...
Soil Wealth and ICP Achievements Phase 1
The Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection projects provide R&D extension services, products and communication on improved soil management and plant health to the Australian vegetable industry. Over the past 3-years, RMCG and...
Soil Testing and Interpretation for Vegetable Crops: A guide
The purpose of this guide is to help growers and agronomists interpret conventional ‘chemical’ soil tests and identify soil chemical constraints for commercial vegetable production in Australia. This resource can be used to guide...
Managing Fruit Fly in Vegetable Crops with Dr Jenny Ekman
A webinar presented by Dr Jenny Ekman on strategies available to growers to manage fruit fly in vegetable crops, including the fruit fly lifecycle, monitoring, use of protein baiting, male annihilation techniques and...
Managing cover crop residues in vegetable production
Cover crops are great tools for soil management. Their benefits can include improving soil structure and health, reducing erosion and weeds, adding nitrogen and contributing to weed and disease control. Managing the transition from cover crop to...
Using compost in commercial vegetable production with Dr Doris Blaesing
Compost is a mixture of recycled organic materials that have been processed by natural organisms, breaking down the original materials into a usable form. Compost has many benefits for soil. It can feed...
MyAgCHEMuse: Best practice reference guide for spray drift management
Modern crop protection chemistry such as herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, is crucial to farming in Australia and around the world. These essential products and tools are a core foundation to food production and their...
Tomato potato psyllid
The psyllid is a tiny sap-sucking insect. Tomato potato psyllids go through three stages of development – adult, egg and nymph. The tomato potato psyllid can cause capsicums and chili plants to die back. Foliage...
Nutrition management and plant disease with Dr Len Tesoriero
Presented by renowned plant pathologist Dr Len Tesoriero from the NSW Department of Primary Industries as part of the Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection projects. This webinar covers: Nutrition and disease relationships Effect...
Biofumigation cover crops in vegetable production with Julie Finnigan
Presented by technical agronomist and biofumigation expert Julie Finnigan, Serve Ag, and Dr Kelvin Montagu, AHR, as part of the Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection projects. This webinar covers: Benefits of biofumigation such as...
Anhydrous ammonia for vegetable crops: Could it be a viable proposition?
What is anhydrous ammonia? Anhydrous ammonia is the most concentrated form of nitrogen (N) fertiliser, containing 82% available N. Ammonia, which is normally a gas, can be converted into a liquid under high pressure,...
Carrot diseases and other factors affecting carrot packout
Read this great summary of carrot disorders to better understand what may be affecting your carrot packout. This includes corky brown rot, cavity spot, sclerotinia rot and violet root. This poster was prepared by...
Calculating Return on Investment for on farm trials
An on farm trial tests the yield or economic effect of a management treatment on an agricultural system. This information can then form the basis for wider application of the treatment in other parts...
Forthside Demonstration Site: Soil amendments on vegetable crops
Over the past four years, the effect of pyrethrum marc on vegetable crops has been compared with biochar, oaten chaff and conventional fertilisers at a trial site in Tasmania. Pyrethrum marc can offer benefits...