The Soil Wealth ICP project develops informative and timely resources in a range of formats.
These resources target specific vegetable and melon issues and allow growers to apply knowledge to solve problems within their business.
Resources have been developed by the Soil Wealth ICP project team and a range of R&D service providers. We acknowledge the valuable work done by these teams in developing the resources and will share new information as they become available.
Use the search function below to filter resources by area, crop, topic or type.
You can also search across these options by adding multiple key words into the search box (e.g. NSW brassica cover crops).
Nitrous oxide emissions from vegetable soils: What’s all the fuss about?
Nitrogen is a key input into vegetable production. Applying high levels of nitrogen, either as fertiliser, compost or amendments is necessary to achieve high yields, but it can also result in nitrous oxide gas...
From Health to Wealth: Looking after soils for vegetable production
Soil health refers to the fitness of the soil to achieve its potential, within natural or managed limitations, and be productive under the intended land use. Healthy soils have physical, chemical and biological properties...
Managing pesticide resistance in vegetable crops with Dr Paul Horne
Pesticide resistance is an ongoing concern for the vegetable industry. If you missed this webinar on 20 October 2016, listen to the recording with expert practitioners Dr Paul Horne and Jessica Page from IPM...
Soil and plant health benefits from using compost: A long-term case study on Baldivis Farms
This case study provides a unique long-term grower perspective on using compost on a commercial vegetable farm. Have you ever wondered what the potential benefits to soil and plant health are from using compost?...
Using compost safely: A guide for the use of recycled organics in horticulture
Compost is a mixture of recycled organic materials that have been processed by natural organisms, breaking down the original materials into a usable form. Compost has many benefits for soil. It can feed plants,...
Safe compost for fruit and vegetables: A guide for the supply of recycled organics to fresh produce growers
Compost is a mixture of recycled organic materials that have been processed by natural organisms, breaking down the original materials into a usable form. Compost has many benefits for soil. It can feed plants,...
Variable Rate Technologies in Queensland vegetables
Crop sensing is allowing the adoption of variable rate management to address yield variability, improve management of inputs and maximise productivity. The Variable Rate Technologies in Queensland vegetables project undertaken by Queensland Department of...
Leaf and sap testing for managing vegetable crop nutrition with Bruce Scott, Doris Blaesing and Gordon Rogers
Fertilisers are an important but costly input in vegetable production. Gain a greater understanding of some of the simple tests you can do to better manage your inputs. View the leaf and sap...
Integrated Weed Management for the Australian Vegetable Industry with Dr Paul Kristiansen, Dr Kelvin Montagu and Marc Hinderager
Presented jointly by leading weed researcher Dr Paul Kristiansen, University of New England, and expert weed practitioner Marc Hinderager from Applied Horticultural Research as part of the Integrated Crop Protection project. This project...
Summer cover crops
Check out this summer cover crop summary to find a cover crop to help: Improve soil structure Add cheap nitrogen Recover and store left over fertiliser Soil pest and disease control Weed control Protect the...
Review of Current Vegetable Irrigation Technologies
This summary provides Australian vegetable growers with an understanding of available and emerging irrigation practices and technologies that could improve profitability and encourage the uptake of more efficient water practices. Download PDF ...
Pest management – what are the options? with Dr Paul Horne
Watch this video if you missed this webinar on 22 July 2016. Listen to Integrated Pest Management (IPM) experts Dr Paul Horne and Jessica Page with Carl Larsen discuss the chemical, cultural and...
Soil Testing for Vegetable Crops with Doris Blaesing and Gordon Rogers
Doris Blaesing and Gordon Rogers from the Soil Wealth team, presented a webinar on how to get the most from soil testing for vegetable crops. If you missed this popular webinar, you can...
Nutrient element functions in vegetable crops
Plant nutrients are commonly split into two categories: Major elements (macronutrients) that are required in relatively large quantities by plants, and Trace elements (micronutrients) that are essential for plant growth, but are only required...
Winter cover crops
Check out this winter cover crop summary to find a cover crop to help: Build soil structure Add cheap nitrogen Recover and store left over fertiliser Control soil pests and disease Control weeds Protect...
Silicon for crop health
Silicon is an available nutrient for all plants grown in soil, with its content in plant tissue ranging from 0.1%-10%. Although it is not currently classified as an essential nutrient for plant growth, recent...
Lettuce grower David East use of biofumigant mustard
In September 2015, Soil Wealth facilitated a field day at David’s property where he spoke about the benefits he has observed using caliente and gave some tips on implementing the practice. Check out the...
Carbon storage in vegetable soils
Growers can reduce the greenhouse impact of vegetable production by maintaining and preventing further loss of stored soil carbon (mitigation) which will also have soil health and productivity benefits. Increasing organic matter inputs (crop residues, cover crops and composts)...