The Soil Wealth ICP project develops informative and timely resources in a range of formats.
These resources target specific vegetable and melon issues and allow growers to apply knowledge to solve problems within their business.
Resources have been developed by the Soil Wealth ICP project team and a range of R&D service providers. We acknowledge the valuable work done by these teams in developing the resources and will share new information as they become available.
Use the search function below to filter resources by area, crop, topic or type.
You can also search across these options by adding multiple key words into the search box (e.g. NSW brassica cover crops).
Nitrate Field Test
Testing for soil nitrate is important to manage nitrogen availability in vegetable crops to ensure optimal yield and quality. This simple and easy to use guide has been developed to show how a quick...
Lessons from continued innovation in weed management in Clyde, Victoria
Schreurs & Sons is a large and successful vegetable growing business based in Clyde, Victoria. Their Koo Wee Rup farm is also a demonstration site under the Soil Wealth ICP project. The VG15070...
Greenhouse Cucumber Production Manual; 2019 Edition
Production of greenhouse cucumbers has expanded rapidly in the last few years. The increasing popularity of thin skinned, seedless and sweet flavoured varieties compared to traditional field grown cucumbers, as well as development of...
Testing for soilborne pathogens – How PREDICTA® can support your crop monitoring and management decisions
Soilborne diseases are a major limiting factor for the Australian vegetable industry and are costly and difficult to manage. Previous research has highlighted that practical and economic methods of disease control are limited once...
Soilborne disease management in greenhouse capsicums demonstration report – North Adelaide Plains, Virginia, South Australia
A farm demonstration trial was set up for a preliminary assessment of the effect of soil amendment, Brassica carinata pellets (BioFence), on root health and crop growth of greenhouse capsicums in the Northern Adelaide...
Quantifying soil health after long term cover cropping
Key Points • Manage cover crops as you would a cash crop. • Physical and biological soil tests may complement traditional chemistry tests. • Organic matter is critical for soil health. Keep something growing or covering...
Planning for Summer – Irrigation and Water Management
As crop growth and water use increase with the warmer weather, it’s a good time to think about getting on top of irrigation management and reviewing your water availability. Watch this webinar, hosted...
Biofumigation Cover Crops PART 2 Pest & diseases & impact on soil-borne diseases
There are many brassica species and cultivars that can be grown as biofumigants or cover crops. These brassicas are typically thought of as cool seasons options but work by the cover crop project...
Biofumigation Cover Crops PART 1: What variety and when?
There are many brassica species and cultivars that can be grown as biofumigants or cover crops. These brassicas are typically thought of as cool seasons options but work by the cover crop project...
Managing salinity in vegetable crops
Salinity issues can appear in all major vegetable production areas; they can come and go depending on weather and changes in water quality. It can occur naturally or as a result of management...
Should you be making hay from your cover crop?
With hay prices through the roof, and farmers desperate for fodder to keep their breeding stock alive, it is seems almost criminal to plow in a cover crop. However, before you call the hay...
Cover cropping – Healthy soil, healthy crop, healthy profit
NRM North Tasmania Agriculture Landcare Facilitator, Adrian James, visited M.G Farm to film the healthy soil resulting from green manure. See and hear some of the benefits for yourself. Watch video ...
Understanding Irrigation Decisions: from enterprise planning to the paddock
Understanding Irrigation Decisions has been written to put in content and provide guidance on irrigation decisions ranging from enterprise planning to the paddock. To understand the breadth of irrigation decisions requires consideration of the...
Check your irrigation system is ready for the coming season
A check of your irrigation system will ensure you are ready to start irrigating on time and are set-up well for the season ahead. Simple checks to correct issues that were evident during the...
Is copper copper? Limitations in the control of foliar bacterial diseases in capsicum, chilli and tomato crops
Bacterial populations such as Xanthomonas spp. causing bacterial leaf spot in tomato and capsicum and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato causing bacterial speck in tomato, often develop copper tolerance. This means they can tolerate higher...
Check your subsoil moisture
Dry subsoil For many vegetable regions there is a risk of low subsoil moisture coming out of a dry winter. Get your spade out and take a look at how much moisture is in...
Check your crop monitoring and soil moisture tools
Make sure your crop monitoring and soil moisture tools are working before it really warms up and crops really get going. If you are using soil moisture sensors make sure you dust them off...
Don’t get caught out by rapid increases in crop water use in spring-early summer
Rapid crop growth combined with increases in seasonal water demand (ETo) can increase crop water use by more than 400% in a matter of weeks. Watch your crop and weather conditions and be prepared...
South Australian Grower Compost Trial
The Soils in Action project was run by AUSVEG SA from early to mid 2019 on the Northern Adelaide Plains. The objective was to establish two demonstration trial sites to showcase compost use in...
Soil phosphorus – The basics
Phosphorus (P) is a major element (macronutrient) that plays a number of important roles in plants, such as productivity, crop quality, increased root growth, and earlier crop maturity. It is necessary for proper cell...