The Soil Wealth ICP project develops informative and timely resources in a range of formats.

These resources target specific vegetable and melon issues and allow growers to apply knowledge to solve problems within their business.

Resources have been developed by the Soil Wealth ICP project team and a range of R&D service providers. We acknowledge the valuable work done by these teams in developing the resources and will share new information as they become available.

Use the search function below to filter resources by area, crop, topic or type.

You can also search across these options by adding multiple key words into the search box (e.g. NSW brassica cover crops).

Labile carbon

September 1st, 2018|

Labile carbon is the carbon most readily available as a carbon and energy source to microorganisms. Read this fact sheet to find out more about labile carbon and its use as a 'leading indicator' of...

Cover crop spotlight on Buckwheat

March 27th, 2018|

There is increasing interest in using different cover crop species and mixes of cover crops to improve soil health and productivity in the Australian vegetable industry. One option is buckwheat, which is the focus...

Soil Health; Biological, Chemical, Physical

November 30th, 2017|

Learn more about soil biological, chemical and physical fertility, as well as access the Soils are Alive tool - the complete soil health reference for farmers, consultants and researchers. Visit website ...