The Soil Wealth ICP project develops informative and timely resources in a range of formats.
These resources target specific vegetable and melon issues and allow growers to apply knowledge to solve problems within their business.
Resources have been developed by the Soil Wealth ICP project team and a range of R&D service providers. We acknowledge the valuable work done by these teams in developing the resources and will share new information as they become available.
Use the search function below to filter resources by area, crop, topic or type.
You can also search across these options by adding multiple key words into the search box (e.g. NSW brassica cover crops).
Am I wasting phosphorus?
Phosphorus is one of the most common elements found in plants, usually ranking 8th after carbon, oxygen, hydrogen (which combined make up around 95% of plant dry matter), nitrogen, potassium, silicon and calcium. Unlike...
Integrated Pest Management of vegetable pests – a more sustainable approach
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) refers to the combination of chemical, cultural and biological options for controlling insect pests in Australian vegetable crops. Watch this informative and interactive one-hour session to get the latest...
Soil health and water use efficiency
Using water efficiently means applying enough water to meet the needs of the crop - not more, not less. A soil in good condition consists of around 50% solid matter; this includes organic matter....
Soil Borne Disease Series: Summer Root Rot
The 2020 class of Agriculture Science Honours students at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture recently presented the findings from their final projects, many of which were relevant to growers in the vegetable industry....
Soil Borne Disease Series: Club Root
A short video presented by Dr Len Tesoriero on the identification, causes and management of club root.
Soil Borne Disease Series: Bottom Rot
A short video presented by Dr Len Tesoriero on the identification, causes and management of bottom rot.
Soil Borne Disease Series: Black Rot
A short video presented by Dr Len Tesoriero on the identification, causes and management of black rot.
Soil Borne Disease Series: Big Vein
A short video presented by Dr Len Tesoriero on the identification, causes and management of big vein.
Soil Borne Disease Series: Basal Plate Rot
A short video presented by Dr Len Tesoriero on the identification, causes and management of basal plate rot.
Labile carbon
Labile carbon is the carbon most readily available as a carbon and energy source to microorganisms. Read this fact sheet to find out more about labile carbon and its use as a 'leading indicator' of...
Future focus – robotics and intelligent systems in Australian vegetable production systems
Robotics and intelligent systems are used throughout various agricultural industries to control, monitor and improve farming systems. The development of various systems to aid in increasing the economic performance of farms is prevalent...
The role of soil DNA testing in managing the risk of soilborne diseases – how is it being used and what can it do?
Soilborne diseases pose a significant threat to vegetable crop health and losses. Disease pressure and prevalence is influenced by a number of factors including block selection, crop rotation, varieties, nutrition, irrigation and fumigation....
How to get and use the free 10m NDVI maps through DataFarming
Access the free data here and read the below guide, prepared by NRM North in Tasmania. Download file
Adaptive Area-Wide Management for Queensland Fruit Fly using Sterile Insect Technique
Area-Wide Management (AWM) is a proven management approach for mobile pests around the world, employing a united strategy to target all pest habitats within a well-defined area or region to reduce the total pest...
Soil CRC | Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils
The CRC for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC) is bringing together scientists, industry and farmers to find practical solutions for Australia’s underperforming soils. Underperforming agricultural soils cost Australian farmers billions of dollars in lost...
Spray technology for vegetable growers: a guide to getting it right
Chemicals play an important role in vegetable production and are regularly used to control insect pests, diseases and weeds. Poor spray application techniques can result in reduced control of pests, yield reduction, wasted...
The effect of custom made composts on the performance of a carrot crop and soil health
Demonstration site report prepared for VG15010 A Multi-faceted approach to soilborne disease management by Francis Tedesco, Center West Exports, Justin Wolfgang, C-Wise, Doris Blaesing, RMCG A large-scale compost trial was conducted with Center West...
Damping off in spinach; Best bet fungicide and biologicals – trial 2016-2017
Short report by Len Tesoriero and Donna Lucas A preliminary field trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of chemical and biological control treatments for damping off pathogens in spinach. We demonstrated that three...
Replicated small plot field experiments – is the pain worth the gain? (webinar recording)
The Soils Network of Knowledge (SNoK) faciliatated a webinar on replicated small plot field experiments with Steve Morris from NSW Department of Primary Industries. Watch this webianr to find out more about the complexities...
Cover crop spotlight on Buckwheat
There is increasing interest in using different cover crop species and mixes of cover crops to improve soil health and productivity in the Australian vegetable industry. One option is buckwheat, which is the focus...