The Soil Wealth ICP project develops informative and timely resources in a range of formats.
These resources target specific vegetable and melon issues and allow growers to apply knowledge to solve problems within their business.
Resources have been developed by the Soil Wealth ICP project team and a range of R&D service providers. We acknowledge the valuable work done by these teams in developing the resources and will share new information as they become available.
Use the search function below to filter resources by area, crop, topic or type.
You can also search across these options by adding multiple key words into the search box (e.g. NSW brassica cover crops).
Summer cover cropping for weed management
In 2019 and 2020, the University of New England worked with the team from the Greater Sydney Local Land Services (GS LLS) Demonstration Farm in the Richmond Lowlands, New South Wales, on a...
Soil biology and biological products; an introduction podcast (30 minute listen)
Soil biology is a complex, dynamic and broad field. This podcast will introduce you to the concept of why biology is important to soil fertility and maximising crop production. We also briefly explore the...
Postharvest management of broccoli
Dr Jenny Ekman will outline the pre-harvest and postharvest technologies and techniques needed to overcome broccoli’s short storage life, and discuss how to keep customers happy and coming back for more. Broccoli (and...
Vegetable grower innovation showcased in South Australian case studies
A new series of ‘Sustainable Success Stories’ from the South Australian vegetable industry showcase how local leaders are engaging with industry-led programs to overcome farm challenges and improve their sustainability. Take a look at...
Using cover crops to manage mycorrhizal fungi in vegetable crops
Dr Kelvin Montagu summarises the potential role of cover crops in managing mycorrhizal fungi in vegetable production. The webinar covers: - Why mycorrhizal fungi - Do Australian vegetable crops have mycorrhizal fungi –...
Integrated Weed Management, using cover crops and strip-till (6 minutes)
Agronomists, Dr Pieter Van Nieuwenhuyse and Marc Hinderager, discuss the outcomes from a case study carried out on a pumpkin farm in Bathurst, NSW. You will hear how inter-row ground cover may assist you...
Benefits of cover crops and strip-till for pumpkin production – interview with Michael Camenzuli from Bathurst (6 minutes)
Harvesting is twice as fast as in conventional tillage as the pumpkins need no wash. This means a cost reduction of roughly AU$1,000 per hectare (see table below). Harvest Cost (labour)* Method $/t...
Podcast: Cover crop trial at Cowra, NSW, with Marc Hinderager (6 minutes)
Agronomist, Marc Hinderager, has been working with the growers in Cowra and reports on the results of this cover crop trial. click here to listen
Mixed cover crops trial for soil health: Soil First Tasmania demonstration site podcast (14 min listen)
This podcast looks at the value of on-farm trials, and the support given to practice change by membership of a grower group. We meet two Tasmanian farmers, Rebecca Addison and Yuri Wolfert, who trialled...
Salinity and potato production (Part 4 of 4): Organic soil amendments, biologicals & biostimulants
Curious about soil amendment options for lifting potato production in saline environments? Watch this webinar discussion which covers a range of topics including compost, biologicals and biostimulants including how they work, associated costs...
Salinity and potato production (Part 3 of 4): Managing hydrophobic soils in potato production
Watch this webinar recording to find out more about hydrophobic soils and potato production, including the causes, impacts and associated costs of hydrophobicity as well as irrigation management. Hear from panelists Julie Finnigan...
Salinity and potato production (Part 2 of 4): Know your salts to better manage potato nutrition
Think you know your salts? Watch this interactive webinar recording to find out how growers can better manage salinity and potato nutrition. Topics discussed include chloride toxicity, chloride and nitrate competition, sodium, bicarbonates,...
Salinity and potato production (Part 1 of 4): Monitoring for improved management
This webinar focused on the causes, impacts and associated costs of salinity monitoring for improved potato production, including EM mapping, soil and water monitoring and SAP testing. Watch this interactive panel discussion with...
Herbicide resistance in onion cropping systems
Watch the Onion Project's interactive and informative webinar with onion industry specialist, Dr Peter Boutsalis from Plant Science Consulting. Download presentation slides
Lessons from the field: Translating precision agriculture data at Fresh Select, Werribee South
Headquartered in Melbourne’s Werribee South region, Fresh Select is one of the largest lettuce and brassica growers in Australia. As a leader in innovation, sustainable farming techniques and responsible practices, the company is also...
Cover crops and soil biology in vegetable soils
Join Dr Kelvin Montagu (AHR) and Dr Shane Powell (University of Tasmania) for a webinar on the impacts of cover crops on soil biology where we consider the questions: • How diverse are...
Nutrition management resources
Managing plant nutrition is integral to producing a healthy, profitable vegetable crop. The Soil Wealth ICP team has collated a range of informative resources to help growers, advisors and other vegetable industry service providers...
Precision ag pays off in bumper celery crop: Koo Wee Rup demonstration site podcast (15 min listen)
Over the past two years, Victorian vegetable growing operation Schreurs & Sons and the Soil Wealth ICP team have partnered to explore the application of precision agriculture in celery, leek and baby leaf production...
Cover crop trial discussion: East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days
Join Dr Kelvin Montagu (AHR, Soil Wealth ICP team), John Duff (Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries) and Carl Larsen (RMCG, Soil Wealth ICP team) as they discuss the results of a cover...
Potato soft rot podcast (9 min listen)
Management of rots, both in the field and post-harvest, is an ongoing challenge for potato producers. Agronomists Marc Hinderager and Dr Pieter Van Nieuwenhuyse discuss a trial that was set up to explore the...